
Only an inspected plane is a safe plane

Ai & ARC

Our core business is the repair and maintenance of aircraft. We offer a comprehensive range of services from a single source. 

Our team of experts carries out annual inspections, inspections based on hours flown, avionic instrument checks, weighing operations, pressure checks, test flights and much more. 

Our inspectors update the AD status/LLP summary, check the POH and SB status, issue reports of findings, documentation and release to service/ARC. 

We offer a maintenance flat rate for flying schools and clubs. This is designed around the type of aircraft and is only paid for when it is actually used for flying. 

This means the complete risk is transferred to us. For you it remains simple, transparent and predictable.

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Porta Air Service contact
Porta Air Service GmbH & Co KG • Flughafen 9
D-32457 Porta Westfalica • Germany